
First Post

21st October 2017, Tuesday: 10.31am [Wardrobe Room] Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. This is my first post on a blog platform so it is so awkward to write this down but I intended to share to the world my thoughts, feelings, things I read, things I learnt, things I experienced, things that motivate me as  person etc. things like that. Im an October baby btw. We share things like this to people. or at least me. Haha (awkward laugh!) So yeah basically I will use this platform as my diary.  I dont know if this can be an excitement or not. as me in real life is so boring. hahha (advanced awkward laugh) So that's it. Will see you in next post InsyaAllah. Bye. Isn't this beautiful? ❤💕 X, QS.